Partnering and supporting local entrepreneurs and communities, who share our vision and values.


Connect. Support. Learn. Together.

Through Equal One, we partner with as well as support local entrepreneurs, or local communities interested in entrepreneurship ventures, who share our vision and values.

Snow Leopard landscapes are large, and individual practices vary across the region. We conduct a situation analysis to better understand the ecological, social, cultural and economic context.

Under the ecological component, we assess components such as the local ecological context, the threats to snow leopards and other biodiversity in the landscape, the challenges local communities face while sharing space with biodiversity, and the potential environmental and ecological impacts of the on-going or proposed business.

For the social context we assess components such as inclusivity along gender, class, caste, or other social groups, equitable distribution of benefits, and potential to adapt to climate change.

For the economic context, we assess components such as the business feasibility of the project, the market chain, and traceability and transparency of the value chain.

Based on our initial assessment and dialogue we offer support based on the needs expressed such as seed funding, capacity building, training, and establishment of conservation programmes. We also offer networking opportunities and the creation of a community so local entrepreneurs from different snow leopard landscapes can connect with, learn from, and support each other.


Towards a common vision

If you’re a non-government organisation working in snow leopard landscapes, you can partner with us in different ways. You could help by putting us in touch with local entrepreneurs that you know, or scout for entrepreneurs. You could also partner with us on the Vision Equal One mission, and assist local entrepreneurs with aligning with the Vision.


Join hands with your community

Reach out to us with your ideas, and we can discuss how Vision Equal One can better support you.


Empower the next generation

If you’re interested in these ideas, and these values resonate with you, consider supporting local entrepreneurs by investing in Vision Equal One. You have a say where your money goes.


Strengthen the cause

If you have specific services that you could provide that might fit within the scope of Vision Equal One such as assessing the business potential, market chain analysis, marketing, advertising etc. reach out to us and we can talk!